CG's Story

Greetings friends. My name is Cornelius Goodfellow Cock. I come from a long lineage of the Cock family dating back to the late 1400s. It’s quite a storied ancestry. My family has crowed for Kings and Queens, peasants and farmers. We have traveled the globe in ships, trains, planes, and automobiles. It is said that one of my grandfathers crowed every morning to wake Earnest Hemingway in Key West as he wrote the famed novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. While another one of my grandfathers was US President Theodore Roosevelt's pet one-legged Rooster.

Roosters are protectors of the flock. We alert the flock of predators and will fight to the death to defend our Hens and Chicks. We are tough as nails.

Well, I should say most Roosters are…

Those genes seemed to skip my egg. I hatched as a sweet, loving chick, I obeyed the rules and listened to my parents. I was a nerd, and my name didn’t help. Friends at school ridiculed me, always teasing me for my ridiculous long name. One day at school, during recess I had a revelation. I was asking a fellow nerd bird why I was hated so much by the other chicks. He looked at me and said “Cornelius Goodfellow your name is not doing you any favors. You need a nickname, chicks dig nicknames. You should just go by your initials, CG. That might be a good start.”  So it began, I was going to be known as CG.  It took a while for it to catch on, but over time the nickname stuck.  

I became CG.

In my later years, I dedicated myself to learning about the finer things in life…wine, travel, music, and art. I wanted to be more than just another Cock, I dedicated myself to becoming firmly sophisticated.  One day, while sipping on a dry martini overlooking the Sea of Abaco, the idea struck me like a lightning bolt.  I needed to create my own Vodka and share it with all my friends. I became obsessed. This vodka had to be clean, crisp, with the slightest burn.  It needed to be perfect with mixers or all on its own.  It needed to be a classic American Vodka.  

After years of experimenting, I am pleased to share my Vodka with you.  I hope you don’t mind the indulgence by naming this Vodka after me. Just know it is crafted with love, kindness, and a little madness, I guess it’s a bit of a reflection of myself.  But most importantly, it is…Firmly Sophisticated.

I hope you enjoy.

Your friend, CG

Here are some options when ordering CG's Cock Vodka:

Vodka soda = CG’s and Soda = Cock and Soda

Dry Martini with olives = CG Martini straight up with two olives = Dry Cock with two balls

Dirty Martin = CG’s Dirty = Dirty Cock

Cosmopolitan = CG’s Cosmo = Cockmopolitan

Moscow Mule = CG’s Mule = Cock and Mule


Be creative, have fun, share your drink names with us and spread the love.